My Story
Every day brings an opportunity to improve life, one good choice after another, a chance to get rid of thorns that hold us back. Reiki is an energy that goes right to the cause of the thorn, promoting energy flow to push through past hurts and traumas allowing fresh energy into the body and into life.
Born a creative and been a textile artist most of my life. I have always been very intuitive, It was in the in the last number of years, while going through a series of major life challenges, that I stumbled across Reiki healing, not realizing the massive benefits it would have in my life, bringing in fresh energy and clearing obstacles I would have struggled to heal without it. Advancing over the years to Reiki Master level, and now adding Crystal Reiki. Crystals have been used for thousands of years to magnify energy. My constant studies of this incredible healing modality never fails to amaze me.
In Reiki, the practitioner (acting as a conduit) transmits a positive gentle flow of energy through their hands to the client, ( I use non touch, above the body, to help release emotional blockages, accelerate the healing process and aid relaxation. It is fast gaining respect within the medical community, rolled out in hundreds of top hospitals across the world. I am excited for the strong future of Reiki energy healing in our modern world.
I am still a maker, it is apart of who I am, further info on my work is on
Reiki Master.
Crystal Reiki Master.
Therapeutic art coach.
My Approach
The power to change our lives for the better either physical or emotional, starts with our decision to change from the inside out. Reiki is a powerful tool to speed up the process, pushing through blocks greatly improving energy flow.
On Booking a session, I will give you the options to decide what areas of your life you would like improved. If you are unsure where to start, that's no problem, the energy will guide me through the session to remove blocks and lighten energies. Apart from some gentle relaxing music, I work in silence for the most part, so I can tune into the energy and any intuitive guidance, to work with the energy centers and meridians, you are free to ask questions at any time during the process.
Some clients fall asleep, some see light, some yawn, some have tears run down their face (but not sad tears just tears), some feel heat or cold and some experience nothing at all, but the Reiki will always work.
What to expect.
1. I will take details, in the form an intake form (standard requirement) and explain the process.
2. The room has relaxing music and candles. You will lie or sit comfortably on the treatment table, just to remove your shoes, blanket provided but feel free to bring your own if preferred.
3. When you are comfortable, I will channel Reiki energy intuitively through my hands (non touch) to the different energy centers. Holding the positions longer in areas that I am guided to. If you have chosen a crystal Reiki session I will work along side these before and during the session for maximum impact.
4. For the advanced session I will perform an additional treatment and follow this with a traditional Reiki session.
5. Distance sessions feel very similar and is equally powerful. You can choose a time to sit in a calm, candle lit area in your own home or I can do the session and let you know after
When booking your session, just message me for available time slots for in person, or for a distance session, just request and I will forward you on the information and payment details. Note, the distance sessions are equally as powerful and more economical and can be sent through to any part of the world. I do need permission from the recipient and an image if possible. Thank you for your time, I look forward to meeting you in your Reiki experience.
I am happy to answer any questions, Joan